
Mindfulness Programs In Schools

This article from the Huffington Post presents the findings from a study that examines how mindfulness can be used by adolescents to promote decreased symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression both immediately after and six months after the program. These decreases can be linked to a more positive educational experience as students are able to better focus on their learning in a less stressful setting. It also directly demonstrates that students have the ability to incorporate mindfulness into their learning experience, challenging the notion that students are not mature enough or willing to try mindfulness.


Gregoire, Carolyn. March 15, 2013. "Mindfulness programs in schools reduce symptoms of depression among adolescents:  Study." The Huffington Post.

(Research Article):  Filip Raes, James W. Griffith, Katleen Van der Gucht, J. Mark G. Williams. "School-Based Prevention and Reduction of Depression in Adolescents: a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial of a Mindfulness Group Program." Mindfulness. March 2013. 
